Service & Organisation

Some parts of the Bible take some work to find the gems. Numbers chapter 3 is one such.

The children of Israel are at the start of their journey into the wilderness. They did not yet know this journey would last 40 years! The rebellion that brought the generation-long- delay occurred several chapters later.

This chapter explains the organisation of the tribe of Levi, to look after the tabernacle and all its equipment. The tabernacle is described in Exodus. It was the ‘mobile temple’ which the children of Israel were to carry always. It was God’s dwelling place.

The Levites consisted of three tribes:

Gershonites carried the tabernacle itself, the tent, its coverings, and the curtain at its entrance.

Kohathites had responsibility for the care of the tabernacle. This included the ark, the table, lampstand, etc; all the special items which were used by the priests for the worship of God. They also carried in the veil to the ‘Holy of Holies.’

Merarites carried the heavy items, the frames and crossbars, and tent pegs.

Of the three, we would say that that the Kohathites has responsibility for the most holy items. Yet this is not stated! I think we must understand that all the roles are important. The brother who carried the tent pegs had a job as important as those who carried the ark of the covenant. If he delayed his arrival when the tabernacle was being set up, the tabernacle could not be erected, and worship could not happen!

If God has called me to a role and responsibility, it is important, it is holy, it is for His glory. It does not matter whether it involves speech or silence, whether it is public or private, etc.

And, God’s call to me must include some collaboration and teamwork. We are not to be independent.

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